Orlando Drowsy Driving Accident Attorneys
There are very strict rules and regulations that a truck driver must follow on the job. This involves the number of hours they are allowed to drive without taking a break or resting. However, many truck drivers break the law in order to complete a job under a certain time constraint. At The Maher Law Firm, we represent individuals who have been injured as a result of drowsy driving.

Call Us 24 Hours a Day at 407-839-0866 or Fill Out The Form Below to Schedule Your Free Consultation!
In order to pursue a claim against a negligent truck driver, you must prove that they were at fault, such as in the following circumstances:
- The trucking company made illegal or unreasonable demands
- The driver was paid by the job, not the hour, and broke the law.
- The driver was fatigued and exceeded their hours on duty to complete a job
Although trucking companies are not always the cause for a drowsy driver who was involved in a truck accident, they may be held responsible in some cases. When a truck driver behaves negligently on the job, it is often the responsibility of the company that hired him or her.
Protect your rights! Call us at407-839-0866 to schedule a free consultation.
Our firm is experienced at proving when a truck driver and/or their employer is at fault for an accident that led to catastrophic injuries. If you are a victim of drowsy driving and are suffering from a serious injury, you should not hesitate to reach out to an Orlando truck accident attorney at our firm. We are here to help you hold the responsible party accountable for their actions and work to recover the compensation that you are entitled to by law.
Although there is no exact test that can prove drowsiness, we are familiar with how to gather the necessary evidence to prove fault in a drowsy driving case. We are dedicated to helping our clients build strong personal injury cases in order to achieve a positive outcome through a settlement or trial. Our Orlando personal injury attorneys have the knowledge and experience you need on your side.
Orlando Truck Accident Lawyers Recovering Compensation For You
If you would like us to use our legal knowledge and experience to your benefit, please give us a call at 407-839-0866..
Call Us 24 Hours a Day at 407-839-0866 or Fill Out The Form Below to Schedule Your Free Consultation