Maher Law Firm wins $2 million verdict in Nursing Home Negligence Case
Claude Lucas Karrick was admitted to Apollo Health and Rehab on November 11, 2018. After a short hospital stay to resolve a blood and bone infection, he needed some time to regain strength and heal properly under professional care. It was supposed to be a quick stay at Apollo, just a month or so. But 13 days later, Claude Lucas died of cardiac arrest caused by an extreme hypoglycemic event caused by Apollo’s negligence.

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While no amount of money could ever compensate the loss of Claude Lucas, Maher Law Firm attorney Geoff Moore worked tirelessly on behalf of Claude’s grieving family and was able to secure a $2 million verdict in a lawsuit against Apollo Health and Rehab.
"It's a privilege to represent a family like the Karricks. Nursing home residents are not only owed quality care, but they are owed their dignity,” Geoff Moore said. "Securing this verdict for Claude’s family was a huge victory of our justice system."
Claude Lucas, 79, was a Type II Diabetic who was able to manage his blood sugar at home perfectly without incident. But when admitted to Apollo Health and Rehab, Claude was forced to pass control of his blood sugar management to the facility. Once this happened, Claude suffered 4 diabetic crises over the span of less than 2 weeks. The first 3 incidents were resolved. The fourth took Claude’s life.
Apollo Health and Rehab failed Claude on multiple levels, beginning with proper nutrition. With proper nutrition and monitoring, both basic and essential to a diabetic patient, Claude’s blood levels would have remained normal. But due to the facility’s negligence, Claude’s blood sugar dipped dangerously low, and—for the first three crises— was administered a life-saving glycogen injection. The fourth? A nurse checked on Claude in the middle of the night, learned his blood sugar was too low, but could not locate a glycogen injection.
Claude died just four days short of his 60th wedding anniversary to his high school sweetheart, Donna.
"With basic care, Claude and Donna would have celebrated their milestone anniversary at home together. But instead, Claude was surrounded by 27 of their closest friends and family members at the time he passed," said Geoff Moore. "My colleagues and I will continue to fight for nursing home residents when they’re abused and neglected by corporations during their golden era of life."
Get Help With Your Nursing Home Neglect Case
When a nursing home fails to meet the needs of an elderly adult, they are liable in the state of Florida for that failure. If you or your loved one has been harmed by a nursing home facility, please contact our legal experts at 407-839-0866 for your free consultation.
Call Us 24 Hours a Day at 407-839-0866 or Fill Out The Form Below to Schedule Your Free Consultation